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What Types of Lawsuits Might Come From COVID-19 Exposure?

Published in Personal Injury, Safety on July 7, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesOn top of the many physical and emotional concerns regarding the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic are also legal issues. People from all over the world are filing COVID-19 lawsuits concerning travel and entertainment refunds, failed business contracts, employment issues, business interruptions, medical negligence, pandemic avoidance, and more. If you believe you have a lawsuit or class action…

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Pedestrian Accidents in Marked vs. Unmarked Crosswalks

Published in Pedestrian Safety on July 7, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe streets of Boston are not safe for pedestrians. Throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 78 pedestrians died in vehicle-pedestrian collisions in 2018 alone. Pedestrians have to navigate many risks when walking around Boston. Some of the most common are distracted and negligent drivers. Collisions are most common in places where pedestrians and vehicles intersect. Crosswalks – both…

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How to Win a Wrongful Death Claim in Massachusetts

Published in Personal Injury on July 7, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesWrongful death is the loss of life due to another person’s tort, misconduct, negligence or wrongdoing. A wrongful death claim is a civil lawsuit that seeks to hold the at-fault party accountable for the deceased person’s death. Certain family members in Massachusetts could receive compensation after an executor or administrator of the decedent files a…

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The Dangers of Texting While Walking

Published in Pedestrian Safety on July 7, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesPedestrians are the most vulnerable users of the road. A pedestrian could suffer life-altering injuries in a collision. As a pedestrian in Boston, you can reduce your risk of accidents by obeying pedestrian laws and paying attention to where you are walking. One of the most dangerous things you can do as a pedestrian is…

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Does Vaping Increase Risk for COVID-19?

Published in Safety on July 7, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe novel COVID-19 pandemic poses a health and safety threat to everyone. It is highly contagious and can cause serious to fatal health complications even in someone healthy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, lists certain groups that are at an increased risk for severe illness associated with the coronavirus. The list…

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Massachusetts Dog Bite Laws

Published in Safety on July 7, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesMassachusetts has several laws regulating animal ownership and setting guidelines for what will happen if a dog bites someone. As a pet owner in Boston, you need to know at least the basics of how the state’s dog bite law works. If your pet bites someone, the victim could file a lawsuit against you as…

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What If I’m At-Fault in an Accident With a Suspended License in Massachusetts?

Published in Car Accidents on July 1, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesDriving with a suspended license puts you at risk of traffic infractions, fines and even license revocation just for getting behind the wheel. If you cause a car accident while driving with a suspended license, you could face elevated charges. You may also be liable for the expenses related to the car accident, including a…

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What Fireworks Are Legal in Massachusetts?

Published in Safety on June 15, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesEvery year, thousands of people come together to celebrate the 4th of July holiday in Massachusetts. Most people celebrate with a staple activity: fireworks. While taking the family to see a professional fireworks display is a great way to mark the occasion, purchasing fireworks on your own is not. The State of Massachusetts bans the…

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What Are Common Apartment Accident Injuries in Boston?

Published in Personal Injury, Safety on June 15, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesIt is typical to feel safe and secure in your apartment building. As a renter, you have the legal right to expect reasonable care by your landlord, building owner or management company. Reasonable care means an expectation that your landlord will regularly inspect the premises for hazards, repair known issues and respond promptly to tenant…

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How to Negotiate an Injury Insurance Settlement in Massachusetts?

Published in Personal Injury on June 14, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesOne of the most important steps in the process of obtaining financial compensation for your injuries and losses during a civil suit is negotiating an insurance settlement. The settlement is the agreement you come to with an insurance company regarding how much money it will give you for the damages you have from an accident….

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