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What Should I Do If I Was in an Accident Caused by Brake Checking?

Published in Car Accidents, Safety on May 4, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutesBrake checking is a dangerous driving maneuver, often resulting from a reckless driver’s frustration or other poor behavior. Brake checking can easily result in unfortunate car accidents, putting victims in an unfair position. However, you can take legal action. Our Boston car accident lawyers have been dedicated to serving the community for over a decade….

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Is a Bystander Claim Derivative in Massachusetts?

Published in Personal Injury on May 4, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesA traumatic or catastrophic accident might not only affect the direct victim but also anyone who witnessed the event. Witnessing a tragic accident such as a car crash or dog attack could also lead to injuries, including emotional distress and mental anguish. In Massachusetts, it may be possible for a bystander who witnessed an accident…

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Is Lane Splitting Legal in Massachusetts?

Published in Car Accidents, Personal Injury on April 20, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesLane splitting currently remains illegal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as of 2020. Lane splitting is a frequent topic of debate in many states. Since California became the first state to remove language barring motorcyclists from lane splitting in its traffic laws in 2016, many other states have attempted to follow suit. Proposed lane-splitting or…

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Do Liability Waivers Bar Me From Making an Injury Claim?

Published in Personal Injury on April 10, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesA liability waiver can interfere with an accident victim’s ability to make a claim to damages in Massachusetts. A liability waiver is a legal document signing away a person’s rights to bring an injury suit against the individual or company. Liability waivers are not airtight protections against liability, however. If you or a loved one…

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Massachusetts PIP Law 2020

Published in Personal Injury on March 23, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesPIP, or personal injury protection, is a type of automobile insurance coverage. It works for first-party claims, in which the policyholder files for coverage for damages through his or her own insurance company. In no-fault states such as Massachusetts, PIP insurance is mandatory. In a PIP state, you must carry this type of coverage to…

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Who Is At Fault If a Jaywalker Gets Hit By a Car in Massachusetts?

Published in Pedestrian Safety on March 13, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesPedestrian accidents are tragic collisions between motor vehicles and pedestrians. The person walking or jogging almost always suffers more severe injuries than the driver of the vehicle in a pedestrian accident. All drivers must pay attention to the road and obey traffic laws to try to prevent pedestrian accidents. Pedestrians, however, must also do their…

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Who Is Responsible for Falling Debris Injuries in Massachusetts?

Published in Personal Injury, Safety on March 8, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesFalling debris is a significant injury risk. Common injuries associated with falling objects are head injuries, skull fractures and traumatic brain damage. A falling object could cause permanent disabilities or the wrongful death of a victim. If you or someone you love has injuries from falling debris in Massachusetts, identify the party that could be…

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Massachusetts Hit & Run Laws

Published in Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Safety on February 20, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesA hit-and-run can make a car accident claim in Boston even more complicated. You may not know the identity of the at-fault party. This could mean no opportunity to hold someone else responsible for your injuries and damages. Luckily, Massachusetts’ no-fault law means you can file a claim with your own car insurance provider to…

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Who Is Liable in an E-Scooter Accident?

Published in Personal Injury, Safety on February 10, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesElectric scooters (e-scooters) have exploded in popularity in Boston with the introduction of rentable dockless e-scooter companies such as Bird and Lime. Yet many riders severely overestimate the safety of these vehicles. Hundreds of e-scooter accidents have injured and killed victims in the last few years alone. If you get into an e-scooter accident, you…

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What Are Common Causes of Scaffolding Accidents?

Published in Personal Injury on January 20, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutesWorking in construction comes with many risks. Construction zones have dangerous equipment, tools and materials that can cause significant personal injuries. In 2018, 1,008 construction workers lost their lives on the job. This was more than one-fifth (21.1%) of total worker fatalities in the U.S. that year. It is up to every worker and site…

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