Frequently asked questions about car accidents in Massachusetts
Published in Car Accidents on March 22, 2019
Reading Time: 3 minutesMany drivers who experience car accidents have questions, particularly when it comes to their legal options after a crash and what type of recovery they can expect from a lawsuit. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions concerning car accidents in Massachusetts. How Much Is My Car Accident Claim Worth? Car accident lawsuits…
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Car Accident 2019 Statistics in the United States
Published in Car Accidents, Personal Injury on March 8, 2019
Reading Time: 7 minutesMotor vehicle accidents continue to be one of the leading causes of accidental deaths and injuries in the United States. They are responsible for billions in property damage and other economic losses each year. If you or a relative suffered injuries or economic damages due to the negligence of another driver, an attorney can represent…
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Do you have a premise liability case in Massachusetts?
Published in Safety on March 8, 2019
Reading Time: 3 minutesA premises liability accident occurs when an individual is injured on someone else’s property or business because of a hazardous condition that the owner could have prevented. In Massachusetts, shop and property owners owe a duty to people who use their premises to keep them free from any hazard which may result in personal injuries….
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What Are Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress Claims in Massachusetts?
Published in Personal Injury on February 4, 2019
Reading Time: 6 minutesA personal injury claim may arise whenever one party causes a tangible injury or other measurable loss to another. However, it is possible for a civil claim to arise when no physical injury occurred but the victim sustained emotional suffering due to another party’s actions. Anyone who suffers emotional distress from discrimination, non-physical domestic abuse,…
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What Is a Contusion?
Published in Personal Injury on December 20, 2018
Reading Time: 3 minutesContusions in Personal Injury Claims A contusion is a relatively minor injury, but this does not mean that someone who suffers a contusion due to another party’s negligence cannot claim compensation for medical expenses and pain and suffering. More than likely, if a plaintiff in a personal injury case does claim compensation for a contusion,…
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What Is Infant Cephalohematoma?
Published in Child Injury, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury on November 23, 2018
Reading Time: 3 minutesA child can sustain injuries in many ways during the birth process, and an uncommon but potentially dangerous condition that can result from a birth injury is infant cephalohematoma. This condition occurs in about 2% of all live births in the United States. While it is not definitively fatal or life-threatening, it may still cause…
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Most Dangerous Intersections in Boston
Published in Local News, Personal Injury on November 16, 2018
Reading Time: 3 minutesMassachusetts, especially the Boston area, has a long-standing reputation of being difficult for drivers. Traffic is very congested in most of the Boston metropolitan area, and several intersections are notorious for being some of the most dangerous areas for drivers. All drivers in the Boston area, both residents and visitors, should know the most dangerous…
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What Is Quadriplegia?
Published in Personal Injury on June 30, 2018
Reading Time: 3 minutesIn 2013, a study revealed that almost one in every 50 people in the United States suffers from paralysis. Quadriplegia is one of the types of paralysis; it occurs when someone loses mobility and sensation in all four limbs and the torso. Quadriplegia is a severe condition with many life-changing effects on a victim. Some…
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When Can Cell Phone Search Results Be Used as Evidence?
Published in Personal Injury on June 28, 2018
Reading Time: 7 minutesA Brief Summary of the Following Article In today’s digital age, cell phones are more than just communication devices; they are reservoirs of personal information and potentially crucial evidence in legal cases. In investigations for civil and criminal cases, attorneys will go to great lengths to obtain the evidence needed to win a case. Social…
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Core Changes to Massachusetts Marijuana Regulations
Published in Local News on June 27, 2018
Reading Time: 3 minutesMarijuana legalization is a significant point of controversy in politics today. Increasingly, states are beginning to make marijuana possession and use legally under certain situations. Like other places around the country, Massachusetts is fleshing out its regulations for legal marijuana sales; lawmakers recently made significant changes to marijuana regulations. No Recreational or Social Use of…
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