The Mirena Crash is Real – Everything You Need to Know
Published in Product Liability on February 15, 2021

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Birth control is an important health decision for millions of women in the United States. There are several different forms of birth control that a woman might use to prevent pregnancy. An intrauterine device (IUD) is a common form of birth control.
However, using an IUD has some health risks. Additionally, there have been severe side effects and dangerous adverse reactions to some of the IUDs on the market. A recent development with the Mirena IUD has many women seeking medical treatment after they have the IUD removed.
What Is an IUD?
An IUD is a device that can be inserted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy.
It is a small plastic device with two small strings. The device is shaped like the letter “T.” An IUD can be inserted into the uterus by a doctor during an outpatient procedure in the doctor’s office.
IUDs provide long-term birth control and are one of the most effective ways to prevent pregnancy. There are several different types of IUDs on the market, including hormonal and copper IUDs. A woman can have the IUD removed whenever she wants to try to become pregnant.
How Does the Mirena IUD Work?
An IUD can prevent pregnancy for three to six years. Copper IUDs release a small amount of copper into the uterus that works as a spermicide. Hormonal IUDs release hormones into the uterus that thicken the cervical mucus so that the sperm cannot reach the egg.
Mirena IUDs release synthetic hormones that help in preventing pregnancy. The synthetic hormone used by the Mirena IUD is levonorgestrel.
What Is the Mirena Crash?
When your doctor removes the Mirena IUD, your body must begin producing progesterone again. It could take some time for your body to recognize the loss of the synthetic hormone and begin producing sufficient levels of progesterone.
The sudden changes in hormones cause a hormonal imbalance. The hormonal imbalance could be linked to a variety of symptoms reported by women who have had the Mirena IUD removed.
The symptoms some women experience after removing the Mirena IUD are collectively referred to as the Mirena Crash. The symptoms can last for weeks, months, or longer. Mirena Crash symptoms reported by women include:
- Stomach pain
- Insomnia
- Acne
- Hair loss
- Migraines
- Vomiting or nausea
- Lack of interest in normal activities
- Fatigue
- Anxiety, irritability, depression, mood swings, or suicidal thoughts
- Painful intercourse
- Unexplained weight gain
- A decrease in sex drive
- Difficulty maintaining relationships because of emotional side effects
- Breast tenderness
For some women, the Mirena Crash can be debilitating. They may miss time from work and experience a substantial loss of income. Some women have difficulty performing daily activities because of their symptoms.
If you experience any symptoms or adverse reactions after removing the Mirena IUD, contact your physician immediately. Your doctor may prescribe medications that can help with some of the symptoms. It is also essential to document these symptoms as soon as possible in the event you choose to file a personal injury claim for damages related to the Mirena Crash.
For more information, call our law office at (617)-391-9001. Or if you would prefer to email us, then please visit our contact page.
Lawsuits Related To the Mirena IUD
Mirena IUDs are the subject of numerous lawsuits related to the side effects and adverse reactions caused by the device. Women claim that they have sustained financial losses, injuries, and other damages after using the Mirena IUD.
Risks and adverse reactions associated with the use of the Mirena IUD include, but are not limited to:
- Perforation
- Intrauterine pregnancy
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Sepsis
- Expulsion
- Irregular bleeding
- Breast cancer
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Ovarian cysts
- Embedment
Medical device manufacturers are required to provide warnings about potential risks and side effects for their products. The warnings must provide adequate information for consumers to make informed decisions about whether to use the medical device.
However, providing a warning does not release a company from all liability for injuries and damages caused by a medical device. If the medical device was defective or the company was negligent, you may be entitled to compensation for damages caused by an IUD.
Filing a Lawsuit Related To Mirena IUD Injuries and the Mirena Crash
If you experience any side effects or symptoms of the Mirena Crash, you might have a product liability claim against Bayer, the manufacturer of the Mirena IUD, and other parties. You can talk to a defective medical device lawyer about your legal rights and your options for seeking compensation for your damages.
You might be entitled to compensation for damages including:
- Loss of income and benefits
- Cost of medical care and treatment
- Mental anguish and emotional distress
- Physical pain and suffering
- Permanent impairments or disabilities
- Loss of enjoyment of life
Your time to file a Mirena IUD lawsuit is limited by law. Do not delay in seeking legal advice regarding your options for filing a lawsuit. Waiting too long to file could result in losing your right to hold the company liable for damages caused by a Mirena IUD.
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